

SONGSOPTOK:  Do you travel often? Is it for work or for pleasure? Do you like travelling? Why?

MADHUBANI: Yes I do. For work and for pleasure. I love traveling for the sake of traveling.

SONGSOPTOK: How would you rather spend your vacations – travelling to a far off place or staying at home doing things you normally don’t have time to do? Why?

MADHUBANI: Traveling to a far off place. I do not have a lot of things to do at home and even if I did, I would still prefer to travel.

SONGSOPTOK: What do you like best about travelling? What do you hate most? Or is travelling a real pleasure for you from beginning to end? Can you tell us why?

MADHUBANI: I love to experience new places, people and cultures. Traveling is a pleasure for me entirely. Even the hitches enrich my overall experience.

SONGSOPTOK: In your personal life, how do you choose the places where you travel? Are your decisions influenced by friends, family, television programs etc.? Or by the packages offered by tour operators? Who plays the major role in making the final decision? What are the deciding factors?

MADHUBANI:  At work, sometimes I do not get to choose the destination. When I do get to choose, I make the decision based on my preference. My single existence allows me this freedom. I plan the travel from beginning to end and do not rely on tour operators.

SONGSOPTOK: What, according to you, are the negative experiences of travelling, if any? Have you faced any major problems while travelling, either in your own country or in others? What kind of problems? Are they avoidable or are they an integral part of travelling?


SONGSOPTOK: “The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see” said G.K.Chesterton. Do you agree with him? Are you a tourist or a traveler? Why?

MADHUBANI: I see what I see. I must be a traveler then. I am not sure about the objective of the tourist and hence cannot comment on Chesterton’s quote.

SONGSOPTOK: Do you think that traveling is indispensable for discovering new horizons? If yes, why? If not, then what are your preferred methods? Can you share some of your discoveries with us?

MADHUBANI: Not necessarily. I know people who are unable to travel but expand their horizons through reading. Bibhutibhushan wrote Chander Pahar without visiting Africa. I prefer to travel. My experiences are penned in my travelogues that are written in Bengali. I am sharing one with you.

SONGSOPTOK: As we know, not all journeys are fruitful and not all travels are perfect. We are often disconcerted and even shocked by certain things we see and experience outside our comfort zones. Have you had this kind of experience? Are they frequent or rare? Could you share some of your negative experiences with us?

MADHUBANI: I have none.

SONGSOPTOK: What are the things you always take with you when you travel other than things like documents, keys, glasses etc.? Are you a careful traveler or a carefree one? Do you always plan your trips to the last detail? Why? And if you don’t, why?

MADHUBANI: I take my camera. The photographs embellish my memory and help me recollect an experience.

SONGSOPTOK: According to Lin Yutang, ‘no one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.’ What is your opinion about this? Do you agree or disagree? Why?

MADHUBANI: Indifferent. I find my travels beautiful when I travel and I enjoy coming home before I set out on my next one.


জগতে আনন্দযজ্ঞে আমার নিমন্ত্রণ
ধন্য হল ধন্য হল মানবজীবন
নয়ন আমার রূপের পুরে    সাধ মিটায়ে বেড়ায় ঘুরে,
শ্রবণ আমার গভীর সুরে হয়েছে মগন
তোমার যজ্ঞে দিয়েছ ভার, বাজাই আমি বাঁশি--
গানে গানে গেঁথে বেড়াই প্রাণের কান্নাহাসি
এখন সময় হয়েছে কি?      সভায় গিয়ে তোমায় দেখি
জয়ধ্বনি শুনিয়ে যাব এ মোর নিবেদন

We sincerely thank you for your time and hope we shall have your continued support.
Aparajita Sen

(Editor: Songsoptok)


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