

SongSoptok | 9/15/2016 |


Dance to your heart's contents: With all the feelings, all the expressions, the gaiety, the meaning of each movement, the concepts relayed...the soul revealed! Dance is Life itself..the beginning, the mid part..the end: all significant to its whole, all glued together to make the theme significant, its essence seen and remembered, inspire and passed on to others.

Remembering the dances in my youth, tenderness emulated with each step learned...on the stage, portraying the Swan, the moon, the sun, the stars! Reliving the conglomeration of the rhythm, the crescendo and minuendo...the piroutte...the essence of the sway, the balance, the facial expressions; the thundering applause of approval, of encouragement, of recognition...music goes on...steps executed!

Comes the mid section of dance journey..meeting and analyzing each dancer of his/her potentials, what else to improve on, what else to incorporate with their innate talents...rehearsing the participants till each movement contributes to the wholesomeness of the peformance, magnetizing all the currents within the human body to portray the meaning and essence of the dance..of life..of the total performer...

Emerging from the stage, from the field, from the studio: the confident dancers: the total performers! Introduction, welcoming clappings and whistles... neverending applauses..BOW!

Initial music, initial steps..presto! Whirling..thwirling..swirling..step one, two three! Smiles, glances, winks, waves...

Cutain fall...curtain bows!....Meeting with the Media..more flashing bulbs! More picture-takings....More inmterviews..features in newspapers..in TVs..awards appreciated and offered to the Cultural Foundation...to the graves..to the parents..to the ONE I LOVE!

Now, the FEELINGS INTERNATIONA ARTISTS SOCIETY, of more than 4, 900 members will feature the DANCERS, the SINGERS, The POETS.. ...the SCULPTORS..The DESIGNERS...all are dancers in this LIFE, on the only EARTH we have, fostering PEACE and LOVE with each step in LIFE...with the DANCE..with LIFE.



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